Payroll Services:
As an additional service we will process your payroll through our exclusive computerized service. Fast, efficient and trouble-free, our payroll check writing service produces professional, computer-generated checks, plus provides a management analysis by pay period and year to date. With Comprehensive, payroll is no longer a tedious process but a smooth function of your business.
We’ll save you time.
Once your employee payroll records are set up, the process is easy. Each payr period, simply provide us with any personnel changes, the number of hours worked by your hourly employee plus any overtime accrued.
We can save you money.
Payroll check writing and record keeping often require extra staff. With Comprehensive’s computerized payroll service, that expense could be eliminated. You can also eliminate costly hardware, software, training, updates and maintenance costs.
All you have to do is sign.
Every pay period, your company payroll is delivered to you individually laser printed and ready for your signature. You can always count on Comprehensive to deliver your paychecks on time every payday.